Monday: Colorguard Practice 5:00-8:00 Tuesday: Winds Practice 3:15-5:15 & Percussion Practice 5:00-8:00 Wednesday: Full Group Practice 6:00-9:00 Thursday: Full Group Practice 3:15-5:15
Bus transportation is provided from Turpin & Nagel to Anderson for the after school Tuesday & Thursday practices.
From the Boosters
Forest Hills Band Boosters
Be a "Booster" = encourage, support, volunteer and raise money for the FHSD Band and Guard Programs grades 5 - 12, all while having fun! □
-Please join us today, and let’s do great things for our musical kids!
-Online Membership form and “Donate” button below□
-Our goal is a mere 200 band families out of 800.. Halfway there!
-This is a volunteer organization and we appreciate you!
Thank you to Our Generous Community and Band Supporters 2023-2024 School Year
Gold Sponsors
Cox Family, Brian & Rachel Ferguson, Stacy & Scott Gillard, Haussman Family, Hurier Family, Johnson Family, Marotti Family, Park National Bank, Rathje Family, Doug and Laurie Roessler, Jack & Lisa Walsh
Silver Sponsors
Ackerman Family, Barford Family, Durrani & Vashi Family, John & Beth Fowler, Byrne & Heimkreiter Family, Jim and Jennifer Dickson, Heise Family, Marlowe House, Tamilyn Moore & Nicole Dangelo, Rettig Family
Bronze Sponsors
Bell Family, Brown Family, David & Jennifer Christensen, Charles Farmer, Justin & Carol Ferguson, Gomaa Family, Jordan Family, Dan Knight, Brian & Katie Lee, Katie Lyden & Jeff Lefkovitz, Marathe Family, Chloe Martin Family, John & Vesela Ness, Megan Osborne, Greg & Pam Park, Randolph Family, Patricia Reinhart, Remsen Family, Rodebush Family, Royse Family, Oliver Scott’s Family, Sian Family, Sommer Family, Staniszewski Family, Becky & Jake Turner
Band Patrons
Biederman Family, Howard & Jennifer Boggan, Bonar Family, Ethan Bonar’s Grands, Boothe Family, Copley Family, Domelle Family, Ebbeler Family, Isabel Ebbeler’s Grands, Susannah & Michael Becker, MaryKay, Ron & Kate Frey, Misty Goetz, Hartong Family, Pat Henderson (grand), Lapthorn Family, Todd Lingren, Losekamp Family, Lubbers-Stahl Family, Gary & Phyllis Mudrak, Pritt Family, Roberto Family, Kortney Smith, Beth & Zeke Swift, Taylor Family, Ray & Linda Voegele, Ryan & Debbie Welker
Friends of the Band and Elementary Boosters Thank you!
Many Thanks from the FH Bands (grades 5 -12) and Guard Students and Directors to all of our booster donors and volunteers. We are a much better organization with you
Forest Hills Bands Friends and Supporters wishing to Join or Donate, please visit Giving Levels: Gold $500+, Silver $250, Bronze $100, Patrons $50, Friends $25