Full Group Rehearsal & Student Camp Information Meeting
Thursday, July 25th: 5:30-8:30
We bring the full 200+ member team together on the night of the 25th to ensure equipment is organized, materials are distributed & final preparations are made. We end the night with a full student & teacher meeting to go over the plans for the following 2 weeks of camp.
Camp - All Students
July 29-August 6: 9:00-4:00 August 5-9: 9:00-4:00 & 6:00-9:00
*Additional details will be sent later this month.
Marching Band Music
The Marching Band Music is now linked from the website.
The folder is only accessible with a forest hills email login.
Band camp will be here before you know it! There is much work and fun being planned but there are also challenges due to construction at both high schools.
Below are 4 opportunities for you to help out during camp.
On behalf of the FH Booster Officers, we hope you are having a great summer so far and that you are looking forward to band camp (students) and Preview Night (families).
Reminder: NO July Booster meeting
Change: The next FHBB meeting is Tuesday August 6th, Turpin HS band room starting at 6:30pm. This is a change of location and time from the last newsletter. Most likely the 2nd week of band camp will be held at Turpin this year due to replacement of the track and the field at Anderson which is not expected to be complete before the start of school.
Booster Membership
Welcome Parents of Band and Guard students in the Forest Hills School District!!!
Join boosters below for the ‘24 - 25 school year. This year we have added tokens of our appreciation when you join. Pick those up at Parent Preview Night, the last night of band camp.
When you join the boosters, you support all band programs across the district and 750+ students benefit. You are joining forces with parents who value our FH music education and are dedicated to making this a great experience for all students who want to be a part of the band and guard programs.
Breezy Acres Kennels, Caleb & Adalyn's Grandparents, Stacy & Scott Gillard, Hurier Family, Liening Family, Marotti Family , Zachary & Joy Zitko
Silver Sponsors
Jim & Jennifer Dickson, Carol & Justin Ferguson, Beth & John Fowler, Frey Family, Haussman Family, Amy & Fred Heise, Dan Knight, Marathe Family, Randolph Family
Bronze Sponsors
Belck Family, Bernard Family, Domelle, Healy Family, , Brian & Katy Lee, Losekamp Family, Chloe Martin Family, Megan Osborne, Powell Family, Taylor Family
HS/MS Band Boosters and Elementary Boosters, Thank you!
Thank You Community Partners From FH Bands!
Click on Our Partners’ Logos to visit their websites. What better way to say THANK YOU!
Many Thanks from the FH Bands (grades 5 -12) to all of our booster donors and volunteers. We are a much better organization with you