Each competition has an entry deadline, 4 weeks prior to the event occurring. At that time, the director of the host school assembles the event schedule and typically sends it out to the participating schools about 3 weeks prior to the event. Once we receive that information, we can create our group's specific daily schedule and will link it to the calendar event details.
Our first football game performance is on September 13th and the first competition is the following day, September 14th. Look for details to be added for those events very soon.
We are in the final stages of planning for this optional trip this winter. It is important that we have an accurate roster at this point, as we are finalizing airline seats, park tickets, etc. If your child has not enrolled and would like to, please do so by this Friday, August 23rd. Additional information can be viewed on the trip website.
Band Boosters have purchased yard signs for all new band/guard members. They are ready and will be available for pickup on Thursday at the end of rehearsal starting at 8:15pm by the semi trailer.
Volunteer Page
Please check out the newly updated Volunteer Page on the website. This is a One-Stop for all ways you can volunteer. Parents of current students are encouraged to volunteer throughout the season.
Popcorn Help Needed!!! We still need one more volunteer for the first FB at Anderson this Friday Night! Please SignUp Volunteer Page to work popcorn sales at the home FB Games.
FHBand Spirit Wear Buttons are still available. If you are interested in a button or keychain we will have them available again soon. More details to come. Thank you everyone who pre-ordered and purchased your show shirts at the preview night!!
There are still some shirts and sweatshirts available from the initial order. We will be placing the order for long sleeves and any additional size needs, the deadline to order is 8/23/24.Click below to place an order now!
Delivery will be before the first competition and if we have items in stock, email for pickup will be sent. There are some show shirts still available from year’s past. If you are interested in prior year show shirts contact Jen Rettig [email protected] for sizes available and pickup arrangements.
FHMB Photo Team is looking for more members to join them. This is a fun way to get to know the students and to capture the memorable moments. Interested email [email protected]to get involved.
Booster Membership
Booster Memberships are still available for purchase. We have various membership levels to suit your needs. Once you sign up we will reach out to get you your membership goodies. You can learn more details below:
Breezy Acres Kennels, Caleb & Adalyn's Grandparents, Cox Family, Stacy & Scott Gillard, Hurier Family, Liening Family, Marotti Family , Walsh Family, Family of Jenna Williams, Zachary & Joy Zitko
Silver Sponsors
Steve & Allison Addams, Dan & Melanie Barford, Bryne & Heimkreiter Family, Jim & Jennifer Dickson, Carol & Justin Ferguson, Beth & John Fowler, Frey Family, Haussman Family, Amy & Fred Heise, Dan Knight, Liening Family, Marathe Family, Marlowe House, Randolph Family, Rathje Family
Bronze Sponsors
Bauer Family (Kelsey '20), Belck Family, Bernard Family, Carr Family, Dixon Family, Domelle, Flick Family, Garcia Family, Giglio Family, Healy Family, Allen Hines, Kinney Family, Brian & Katy Lee, Losekamp Family, Chloe Martin Family, Megan Osborne, Greg & Pam Park, Powell Family, Specter/Durkee Family, Staniszewski Family, Stahl Family, Taylor Family, Becky & Jake Turner, Vogelgesang Family
HS/MS Band Boosters and Elementary Boosters, Thank you!
Thank You Community Partners From FH Bands!
Click on Our Partners’ Logos to visit their websites. What better way to say THANK YOU!
Many Thanks from the FH Bands (grades 5 -12) to all of our booster donors and volunteers. We are a much better organization with you